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Writer's pictureEmma Wright

Back pain and what you can do about it

Back pain can be physically exhausting and emotionally draining.

Most clients I help with back pain do not have an injury. Commonly, they suffer stress and are running around trying to get things done.

Are you moving slowly and stiffly, perhaps limiting your day to day activities to protect yourself from pain?

Can you carry the shopping without feeling pain?

Can you carry your baby without feeling pain?

Can you sit at your desk or drive without feeling pain?

I find people with back pain tense up in anticipation of what's coming, worsening their discomfort, which negatively impacts on standing, sitting, in fact most everyday movements. It is so tiring physically and emotionally.

It does not have to be that way. There is so much we can do to reduce discomfort every day. The key is movement.

You can:

  • Get up and move around regularly

  • Engage in any physical activity

  • Take the stairs instead of a lift

  • Walk wherever you can as a healthy alternative to taking the car

  • Take care of your posture. Stand and sit tall

You only have one back. Let's take care of it together!

My clients get so much relief from discomfort, free themselves from pain by having massage or shiatsu with me.

For more information, visit my website pages on massage and shiatsu:

See you soon!

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